Wednesday, December 16, 2009

long time no blog

Yikes, I looked on here thinking I hadn't blogged in like three months, oops the last was May, that is more like seven months, haha.
I have been meaning to start up again, I have no excuse for quitting, except for the fact that I didn't really have anything interesting to write, but whatever, I don't care anymore.
My sister started a blog today and posted it on facebook so our family can look at it, so I figured they may see my name on her blog and look at mine too. Thanks Kira!
Anyways not a lot going on, we have just been getting ready for Christmas, Maleah loves everything about it, the tree, the lights, and of course the presents. She asked me whose birthday it was, cuz if presents are involved it must be a birthday, so I told her it was Jesus birthday, not sure how to explain to a two year old, but I tried. All she really wanted to know was if he would let her blow out his candles, haha. She surprises me everyday with the things she comes up with.
We were so excited to hear that we are going to be able to go home to Oregon for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, and that one of Tyler's buddies at work switched duty days (staying all day and night on the submarine) with him. They have it every four days so he told Tyler he would stand his duty on Christmas Day, if Tyler stood his on New Years Eve. Sounds like fair game to me. Especially since New Years Eve we get to go have dinner with him on the sub. We are also going for a tour this weekend, it will be Maleah's first time on it, she is so excited, but she said daddy had to hold her so she won't fall in the water, haha.
Anyways I pretty much just wrote a very random post so I will try to stay on track next time. Goodnight for now!

P.S. For all you moms with little ones out there, check out they have awesome deals, they feature one item at a time and once something is gone they post a new item, things go quick though. I have only bought one thing and that was today, I purchased Maleah two pairs of leg warmers for six dollars usually 12 a piece. So cute and if her legs are too long, the next girl baby shower I go to will receive them, haha!

Friday, May 15, 2009

catching up

I haven't blogged in a long time, I really don't have anything exciting to write about. We have just been busy with day to day things and working on our house. Tyler has been working on the yard a lot and sanding and painting all the kitchen cabinets. It was a lot harder of a task than we thought due to nicotine stains from the previous owner, no matter how much you sand, primer and and paint, it soaks through. So after many layers of paint they are almost finished.
Yesterday we had to drop our good friends Liz and Teagan off at the airport. It was a sad day, they are moving back to Florida and we are going to miss them a lot. Maleah and Teagan aka TT kissed each other goodbye and that made us all cry. Maleah told my mom last night on web cam, "TT bye bye airplane" and then she blew a kiss. Which made me cry again, then this morning she looked outside at her toys and said TT and Mema (this is what Maleah calls herself) up down up down (aka the teeter tauter airplane), I told Liz she will have to setup her skype account so the girls can talk. And we will have to go visit them along with all of our other friends that will soon be or already are in South Carolina.
Tyler will be going out to sea for a while this summer so I will spend most my time in Oregon with the family. It will be nice to be down there when it's nice out although I would rather Tyler just stay home and us stay here, but I don't have a choice because the Navy decides that for us.
I am starting to plan Maleah's second birthday party even though it's not til August, she is going to have a Minnie Mouse party. We will have a little one here in Washington and a big family one in Oregon. I am excited, she is even going to dress like Minnie. She loves her Minnie Mouse and birthday parties. We have went to a few of our friends birthday parties now she tell me, "Birthday me momma!" I can't believe she is going to be two already, crazy crazy crazy! Anyway the princess is calling and is up from her nap!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

snow again, and other stuff!

I am so ready to be done with the snow for the year, I am not used to this much snow here or in Oregon, it's crazy. We went to the park yesterday for a picnic, blue sky, a little chilly but not freezing, then wake up this morning and it's snowing. I felt like I was grocery shopping in December.
On another note, Maleah is napping in her big girl bed right now, I am not sure what to think. I hope she doesn't wake up and freak out. She is used to sleeping with us and still has been, but I am breaking her into her bed for nap time until I get a rail up so she doesn't fall out, for now couch cushions are doing the trick.
Guess I better go do the dishes, or laundry, or something productive while she is asleep!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


This past weekend we met my parents and my two sisters and my sisters husband in Seaside. We got there at a decent time on friday, thanks to the Navy haha we were supposed to leave on thursday but the navy had other plans. He got off early on friday anyways and we got there about three. It was cloudy but pretty nice so we went to the beach and flew kites and played in the sand, it's a good thing because it poured and was super windy all day saturday. So we to eat at Pig and Pancake, then walked around and went in all the shops and got some fudge. Later that day we went to Moe's in Cannon Beach and then back to seaside and rode the bumper cars and carousel then played in the arcade for a few hours. After that we played some good skip-bo and ate junk food. It was fun, we were sure thankful for the arcade and inside activities. Then on sunday we went to Cannon Beach and walked around there before we left, it was cold but pretty nice on sunday imagine that. Oh well it was fun and we can't wait to go back.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

sick baby

It is so not fun having a sick kid. I don't do well with vomit and last night at 11:30 that is just what she did in the middle of our bed. Then it continued throughout the night. I didn't know how to help her. I wasn't feeling the greatest myself and was in the bathroom more times than I would have liked to have been throughout the night also. Thank God my parents were here for the weekend so they were able to help out a lot. Thank you Mimi for staying up all night!!! Neither one of us have eaten much today, but she hasn't puked since about seven this morning, so hopefully we are over with that part. Laundry in the middle of the night is never fun. Poor baby!!!
Other than that we haven't been up to too much lately, just remodeling the bathroom and starting some other around the house projects, well Tyler does most of that. Anyways I should try to go get the little sicko to sleep, hopefully we have a better night tonight!!!

Saturday, February 7, 2009


Maleah has been super whiny lately and I finally figured out what is wrong. She keeps saying "owie mouth" so last night after giving her tylenol I looked in her mouth and she has her last four teeth coming in, (well not counting her two year molars). Teeth never bothered her before so I never thought that would be the reason until she started telling me. I am glad she is able to communicate to me what is wrong now, it's really nice to be able to fix the problem. I hope they come through soon, so she feels better and so I don't have a constant headache from whining. Anyways not too much else to blog about.
We went to Seattle today just for the fun of it. We rode the ferry over and ate lunch and walked around Pike's Place then walked around some more and came home. It was a nice adventure and Maleah had a good time.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

feeling a little blue

My friend wrote a blog about selling her house and they are getting new orders in the fall and it hit me that my group of friends will all be going different ways soon. It always sucks to make friends after moving to a new place and then once you do, the Navy moves you or one of them somewhere else. It hasn't happened to me too much yet, only one of our family friends has moved and it sucked. We saw them all the time at playdates and watched their kids grow and now thanks to the interent we still get to see them grow but it's not the same. (yes Morgan I am talking about you).

In the next year though it's going to be rough, we have to sell our house since we are getting out a year from April, my friend Nicole is going to most likely move in December, and some of our other friends are leaving too. I watched Nicoles first baby grow and will soon be going to her third birthday, it saddens me because I won't get to be there for her fourth. We were pregnant at the same time when she had her second and I had Maleah. It makes it rough to have the same group of friends and all of our little princesses who go to playdates weekly, holiday get togethers, birthday parties, the gym every week, you become a family since you are away from home. The girls talk about eachother and know each other by name even when they are not together.
I have always had friends where I lived but I have never had to rely on them so much, I always had my parents close by. It is such a nice feeling to have someone you can call when your husbands out to sea and they will help you anytime of day. And someone you can always count on and I am going to miss that.
Anyways I am just going on and on, and it's not making any since. The point is I am just going to miss all of you and I am not sure yet how I am going to deal with it. It will be one tough time, but it will all work out in the end.
I know one thing for sure, South Carolina is going to be the place I will go for vacation!!!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

roller skating

So today we went to my friend Rebel's daughters birthday party at Skateland right down the road from us. We have never been there, but will be visiting more often. We went not thinking we would be able to skate just figured it would be fun to watch the kids skate and enjoy the company. Well they have skates starting at size six for little kids, which Maleah wears five but it worked. They tighten the wheels so they can basically walk on the carpet area and move slowly in the rink. It was awesome, Maleah loved it. I haven't put skates on forever and it was not as easy as it used to be, but I got the hang of it, sort of haha. Tyler had Maleah on one side and I had her on the other and she was so excited, it was fun to see her having such a good time.
After about five times around with her, she was worn out so she chugged a cup of juice and ate some birthday party junk food and then we went for a ride in the rink with me pushing her in the stroller (yes they let you take strollers in the rink while you push on skates) it was the coolest thing. Maleah was dancing up a storm, had both arms in the air and said weeeee the whole time. I can't wait to go back!!!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Silly girl!!!

So this falls under the cute things Maleah did category. This morning I was trying to wake the girl up to go to the gym, it was 8:30 and she still wanted to sleep, she usually doesn't get up until like 9:00 or 9:30. She would not wake up, so I said, "Maleah lets get up", she rolled over and said no, so she went back to sleep. After I got dressed I leaned over her on the bed (I still thought she was asleep) and she lifted up her eyelid and said "aboo", what a goofball she is. She makes me laugh all the time! Well she is saying, "All done" in her highchair so I better go rescue her.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Kara blogging???

I have never been much of a blogger, but decided I would give it a try. I enjoy reading all my friends blogs and thought that if I can read theirs then they should be able to read things I have to say. I am sure my writing will consist of complaining, cute things Maleah does and says, and the random other things that consume my life. That's all I have to say for now, so will write again later!