Wednesday, January 28, 2009

feeling a little blue

My friend wrote a blog about selling her house and they are getting new orders in the fall and it hit me that my group of friends will all be going different ways soon. It always sucks to make friends after moving to a new place and then once you do, the Navy moves you or one of them somewhere else. It hasn't happened to me too much yet, only one of our family friends has moved and it sucked. We saw them all the time at playdates and watched their kids grow and now thanks to the interent we still get to see them grow but it's not the same. (yes Morgan I am talking about you).

In the next year though it's going to be rough, we have to sell our house since we are getting out a year from April, my friend Nicole is going to most likely move in December, and some of our other friends are leaving too. I watched Nicoles first baby grow and will soon be going to her third birthday, it saddens me because I won't get to be there for her fourth. We were pregnant at the same time when she had her second and I had Maleah. It makes it rough to have the same group of friends and all of our little princesses who go to playdates weekly, holiday get togethers, birthday parties, the gym every week, you become a family since you are away from home. The girls talk about eachother and know each other by name even when they are not together.
I have always had friends where I lived but I have never had to rely on them so much, I always had my parents close by. It is such a nice feeling to have someone you can call when your husbands out to sea and they will help you anytime of day. And someone you can always count on and I am going to miss that.
Anyways I am just going on and on, and it's not making any since. The point is I am just going to miss all of you and I am not sure yet how I am going to deal with it. It will be one tough time, but it will all work out in the end.
I know one thing for sure, South Carolina is going to be the place I will go for vacation!!!


  1. Awwww... this made me sad. We miss everyone in WA so much. Thank God for the internet! I hope you do vacation here :)

  2. You better come visit us! This made me really sad too. I hate the idea of leaving you and Liz!
